Revelation of Jesus Christ

From the KJV 1611 with Strong's Concordance





Of Latin origin; the 'purple' mussel, that is, (by implication) the red blue colour itself, and finally, a garment dyed with it.

Mark 15:17, 20. Luke 16:19. Revelation 17:4; 18:12.

The colour of Caesars
Note: The same colour described in Mark 15:17 and Luke 16:19: when the Roman soldiers stripped Jesus and arrayed him in a purple robe with a crown or thorns then kneeled down before him and said, hail king of the Jews, and smote him with their hands in what can only be described as a cruel mock 'coronation' humiliation ritual with its purpose to reduce Jesus to nought. Roman Emperors (Caesars) wore purple robes and a crown of olive leaves called a Chaplet. Ironically when Pilate the Roman governor presented Jesus as 'King of the Jews' before the the High Priests, Scribes, Pharisees and all the people, they cried out "we have no king but Caesar".

The colours of the Roman Catholic Church
For centuries up until today the priests and cardinals of Rome wear robes of scarlet and purple.

What is the purple dye from mussels?
Tyrian purple was one of the costliest and most mysterious of the dyes of ancient times. Used first by the Phoenicians, it was taken from the secretions of several species of mollusks, Murex brandaris and Purpura haemostoma and was reserved for use by royalty, priests and nobles.

The illusion of democracy?
The colour purple is made from red and blue the same colours used by the two main political parties we see in the modern day political theatre of nations such as the USA and the UK. When both parties say and do the same thing in particular the rolling out of destructive policies it can be contested that they are merged (producing purple) denoting that both sides are actually controlled by a hidden force.