Revelation of Jesus Christ
From the KJV 1611 with Strong's Concordance
What was the image in the plain of Dura?
Nebuchadnezzar the king made an image of gold, whose height was threescore cubits, and the breadth thereof six cubits: he set it up in the plain of Dura, in the province of Babylon.
Book of Daniel: Chapter 3:1
Clue: 1 (Dimensions)
Besides being told it was an image of gold we are given very few clues other than it's height being sixty (threescore) cubits and breadth (it's width) being six cubits.
A cubit can vary depending on the nation and whether it's a standard cubit or a royal cubit so I decided to just focus on the aspect ratio.
60 x 6 would give the image a 10:1 aspect ratio, and so with that in mind I created a new canvas in Photoshop with the dimensions 600px (Height) x 60px (width). Viewing the proportions of this ratio it immediately became apparent that the image set up in Dura was unlikely to represent that of a human figure. There is a common monument that features constantly throughout time that does fit the 10:1 ratio and that is the obelisk.
It does not prove that this is what Nebuchadnezzar had set up in Dura though given that obelisks have been erected all over the earth, and adopted by multi nations throughout the ages it would make the obelisk a serious contender.
Washington Obelisk
London Obelisk
Vatican Obelisk
Clue: 2 (the definition of 'image' and 'Dura')
The word 'image' is H6755 tselem {tseh'-lem} of Chaldaean origin meaning an idolatrous figure which corresponds to the Hebrew word H6754 also tselem meaning to shade; a phantom, that is, (figuratively) illusion, resemblance; hence a representative figure, especially an idol.
An obelisk is the perfect instrument as a sun dial casting a shade like a hand on a clock, and as the sun passes over the sky, the shadow cast by the obelisk will move accordingly giving positions to place indicators to divide up the day light hours.
Dura H1757 means circle, so if the obelisk is placed in the center of a circle then markers can be created to divide up the day light into half, quarters, eighths an so on making a giant working sky clock/calendar and also a tool for tracking the sun, moon, solstices, equinoxes. Just imagine the powerful advantage you would have over the minds of the layman if you could accurately predict the eclipses? One could claim the world was going to end on such and such a day with the sign being the sun going dark and unless the people did such and such the sun would not return. All kinds of crafty superstitous nonsense could be invented to bend the will of the people.
The Chaldeans were the great astrologers of the time and the heirs to the Babylonian kingdom and it's not a stretch that they may have even used the sky clock to predict major events and used this knowledge to manipulate the decisions of the king.
Sun/Sky wheel at the Vatican in Rome. Note the vast amount of markers.
Clue: 3 (Location - a plain)
For the sun wheel to work accurately the location would need to be flat (like the face of a clock) and the word for plain corresponds to H1237 biq' ah {bik-aw'} meaning properly a split, that is, a wide level valley between mountains.
Clue: 4 (ruling out a babylonian god)
There are certain Jews whom thou hast set over the affairs of the province of Babylon, Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego; these men, O king, have not regarded thee: they serve not thy gods, nor worship the golden image which thou hast set up.
Book of Daniel: Chapter 3:12.
Clash of Minds
These accusations against the Israelites were brought to the king by the Chaldaeans who were the astrologers, wise men and chief advisors to the king, that was until the captive Daniel destroyed their credibility by not only interpreting the king's dream but also making known the king's dream in chapter 2 something the Chaldaeans could not do resulting in the Israelites gaining the highest positions of trust in king Nebuchadnezzar's kingdom. It's ironic that the Chaldaean way of conquering was to take captive, assimilate through re-education and indoctrination into the Babylonian customs, language (origins of learning against learning?), and here were the best and brightest of the children of Israel whom by humbling themselves to the God of truth and righteousness were given wisdom, and began teaching the Chaldaeans a thing or two.
To regain their positions of control the Chaldaeans would've needed to devise something special to trap and seal the fate of the Israelites. The invention of a large sun/sky wheel to create the cycle of a Babylonian year, and reference equinoxes and solstices would have made quite an impression on the king as a remarkable achievement, and something to be revered and worthy of worship. The Chaldaean astrologers knew the Israelites would not serve or prostrate themselves to the inanimate gods of Babylon but a sophisticated device such as an obelisk that marks the times and seasons would be an altogether different test of their loyalty. That said, Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego remained steadfast in their faith.
It is worth noting that the words Babylon, Babylonian, and Babel mean confusion see Strong's Concordance H0894.
Clue: 5 (He changeth the times and the seasons)
When the kings dream is revealed to Daniel in the night vision the very first thing he does is bless God and acknowledges that "He changes the times and the seasons". This is an interesting statement to begin the blessing suggesting that there may have been a dispute over when the yearly cycle starts and ends? It is rather odd that even today our calendars begin after winter solstice forcing our yearly cycle to begin in winter and end in winter? That's two winters in one year? It would make more sense if the year began in spring with the renewal of life and when animals come out of hibernation and so forth?
On the Hebrew calendar today the first month of the year is Nisan nearly answering to our April, but varying somewhat from year to year, according to the course of the moon. This was made the first month of the sacred year, at the coming out of Egypt, Exodus 12:2. By Moses it is called Abib, Exodus 13:4. The name Nisan found only after the time of Ezra, and the return from the captivity of Babylon. Were the Chaldaeans using their own calendar that ends with the death/rebirth of the pagan sun god (winter solstice) as the Gregorian (Pope Gregory XIII) calendar is set up today? If this is so, I would imagine this would have caused some disputes between the Chaldaeans astrologers and the Israelites during their captivity. The creation of a sun wheel device that depicts the yearly cycle beginning on the winter solstice may have been an attempt by the Chaldaeans to settle this dispute, and would have been quite a poke in the eye to the Israelites.
The month of flowers
So what if The Most High is speaking to Daniel that it is neither the sun nor the moon that decides the beginning of the cycle of the year but when God decides and that is when he makes the flowers come out? Argument solved, throw away your devices and your calendars, you're all wrong. God changes the times and seasons!
The Bigger Picture
The Most High God and creator of all things was not only teaching the children of Israel a lesson with seventy years of captivity but also the high and mighty king of Babylon and his crafty council of advisors. When we humble ourselves, repent, and get back onto God's page the Almighty can do amazing things through our obedience to his Word. The book of Daniel is rich with so many insights and examples of God's miraculous power, and his long suffering love for his creation. It also reveals the Babylonian system we live in today as foretold in the revelation given to John. It is so important to remember in these challenging times of new technologies that no matter how clever or advanced we might think we are, God the Father has seen it all before, there is nothing new under the sun.
The Lord Jesus Christ and the Father are not respecters of persons, there is nothing in our works that can save ourselves. Only our faith, trust, and belief that Jesus is who he said he is, and is come in the flesh, and that he died as payment for our sins and was resurrected on the third day, it is this acceptance that is the true gift of salvation.
Every good gift, and every perfect gift is from above, & cometh down from the Father of lights, with whom is no variableness, neither shadow of turning.
James 1:17.